Mangla Dam Joint Venture Consortium Helps Improve Socio-Economic Conditions

- Project Name
- Mangla Dam Raising
- Location
- Pakistan
- Client
- Pakistan, Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)
Sited in the Mirpur district of Pakistan, Mangla Dam has been raised from its original height of 454 feet to 484 feet (ft). The increased dam height allows the reservoir conservation level to be raised by 40ft up to 1242ft above sea level, with a reservoir area of 125 square miles. As joint venture partner, Black & Veatch is providing design and expert consultancy advice.
An additional 2.9 million acre ft of water per annum has been provided for irrigation in the world’s largest irrigation network serving the 50 million people who live in the Indus River Basin. The scheme also improves flood mitigation and yields an additional 644 gigawatt hours in the average annual energy output.
The raising project is contributing significantly towards improvement of the environment in terms of agriculture growth, job opportunities and improved standard of living. The availability of additional hydropower has further enhanced these positive impacts.
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