Overcome your environmental challenges – today and tomorrow
Managing environmental challenges from climate change to reputation management is a daunting responsibility. With ever-shifting investment, compliance and stakeholder priorities, work with us to effectively mitigate risks and realize positive environmental outcomes.
Whether preserving land, protecting air and water quality or advancing the design and regulatory approval of new facilities, achieve your organizational objectives backed by our more-than-a-century legacy of innovation in sustainable infrastructure.
Managing risk with the right environmental solution
Projects are subject to a host of environmental drivers and must meet federal, state and local regulations, client specifications and commitments, stakeholder expectations and more. All these drivers factor into project financing assessments, influencing project design and implementation means, methods and operations while impacting schedules and budgets.
Achieve the best outcomes while mitigating your array of risks with the backing of a geographically diverse, 150-plus-person team of project managers, engineers, meteorologists, biologists, scientists, cultural resource specialists, archeologists and attorneys who make it happen annually on more than 1,000 projects. Identify and resolve your acoustical compliance and community concerns early in the project lifecycle. Address your air-related needs with our comprehensive meteorological and climatological capabilities.
Site new and next-generation facilities strategically with due diligence, right-of-way, fielding, routing, acquisition and permitting solutions delivered to serve your construction, operational, compliance and sustainability goals. Get analyses required by governmental and financial entities and confidently implement your remediation and resiliency projects. The right environmental solution that’s also right for managing your risks is here, at your fingertips.
In determining where to site infrastructure, preferred locations are hard to attain. The constraints are many. Environmental impacts influence the selection of certain locations over others. Availability of power, water and other vital resources is a critical consideration. Communities have a voice and can say “no” to projects. For insightful evaluation of potential locations and eventual selection, turn to us and build where regulations and communities are aligned.

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