Wind Farms Move Minnesota Power Toward Accomplishing its State Renewable Energy Mandates

- Project Name
- Bison I Wind Project
- Location
- New Salem, North Dakota
- Client
- Minnesota Power
The 81.8 megawatt Bison I Wind Project was Minnesota Power’s first fully-owned and operated commercial wind project in North Dakota. The project was developed as two separate construction sequences, with the first phase comprising 16 Siemens 2.3 MW turbines, and the second phase 15 3.0 MW wind turbines.
Black & Veatch provided detailed design services and balance of plant design engineering for the entire wind project, which is located in New Salem, North Dakota. Services performed included geotechnical investigations; easement acquisition and permitting support; access road design; and crane hard-standing design. The company also designed the operations and maintenance building, the turbine foundations, the electrical collection system, the substation and the transmission line.
“This project is a significant part of our efforts to meet Minnesota’s 25 percent by 2025 renewable energy mandate in a timely and cost-effective manner,” said Brad Oachs, Minnesota Power Vice President, Power Delivery & Transmission. “Black & Veatch’s combined experience in wind project development and associated electric transmission makes them ideally suited for bringing this renewable power to our Minnesota customers.”
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