Preparing for Storm Season with IT Readiness Testing Webinar

About This Webinar
Utilities are facing increasing pressures from consumers, regulatory agencies and local governments to manage better the storm outages and restoration efforts. One of the common shortcomings of storm response is failure of IT and/or OT systems – SCADA, OMS, AMI, Mobile Dispatch, Communication systems, Networks, etc. – and related business processes when high volume of events occur.
Assessing the health of an integrated application environment, and the timing of system implementation, upgrades, and the need for change management and training are key considerations. The competence and expertise required using the technology during a ‘blue sky day’ is very different than during a ‘grey sky day’ like a storm. It is recommended that all utility stakeholders need to understand the extent of systems that will be impacted by storms and participate in role-based training and simulation. As part of this panel, we will discuss how an end-to-end availably and performance tests of the critical IT and OT applications and interfaces can ensure key systems and business processes will remain functional during storm conditions.
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