Private Investment for the Development of Fiber Networks to Serve Connectivity Market Growth

In the United States, the fiber optic market is expanding to address the rising demand for fiber routes that have low latency, route diversity, support for edge computing and connect rural and underserved geographies. These new networks are trending to be financed, designed and built through private investment. Investment opportunities are being identified with varying risk profiles to create fiber optic networks in areas of the United States that have growing demand for connectivity.
Tenebris Fiber (Tenebris), with its partner Black & Veatch, is designing, engineering and planning construction of a dark fiber network to serve the growing connectivity demand in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Tenebris’ dark fiber platform will enable customers to place their optical equipment on the network. The continued expansion of data center construction and its expected traffic demands from the new subsea cable projects will require new fiber demands, as will the anticipation of 5G backhaul and rural broadband initiatives. Tenebris will offer dark fiber leasing and IRUs to carriers so they can focus on their end customer needs, not planning for capital intensive fiber builds. Diode Ventures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Black & Veatch, is the co-developer of Tenebris’ Virginia Dark Fiber Network with Tenebris Fiber. Together, Diode and Tenebris perform a structured diligence effort in developing the investment profile, modeling the financial requirements, confirming financing and network costs, and quantifying risks
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