Reducing Contaminated Groundwater

- Project Name
- Hastings Groundwater Contaminated Site
- Location
- Hastings, NE
- Client
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7
In 1985, the Hastings Groundwater Contaminated Site (HGWCS), which is divided into seven sub-sites for investigative and remediation purposes, was placed on the National Priorities List. Because of Black & Veatch’s trusted performance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7, the agency requested that Black & Veatch assist in the remediation of various contaminants of concern. These included multimedia impacts (i.e., soil and groundwater), and contaminants with difficult physical or chemical properties. To assist with remediation efforts, Black & Veatch has conducted design preparation, procurement of subcontractors and provided oversight of Remedial Action (RA) construction activities. It also has assisted with ongoing monitoring and implementation of RAs.
Two of the projects Black & Veatch supported were the Colorado Avenue sub-site and the Second Street sub-site. Through coordination with multiple stakeholders, Black & Veatch provided oversight and review of the Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) RA for installation of a Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system at the source area. Three ground water treatment systems were also built along a partial length of the plume at the Colorado Avenue sub-site. In support of the project, Black & Veatch developed an innovative alternative process for complying with unilateral administrative orders by using risk-based soil gas criteria for closure of soils remediation. The result was an economically feasible approach to assessing soil contamination, thus enabling the EPA to focus future efforts on true health and environmental risks.
Remedial Action Components at the Second Street Sub-Site
-Source area groundwater pump and treatment
-Soil Vapor Extraction
-Source material removal remediation
-Downgradient groundwater plume in-situ well stripping
-Enhanced biological in-situ injection well treatment
The implementation of these remedial components has resulted in the lessening of risk to human health and the environment from exposure to contaminated site media.
For example, through Black & Veatch’s remedial action services at the source area, the original groundwater contaminant concentration has been reduced by 75 percent, and soil vapor concentrations have been reduced by more than 95 percent. Black & Veatch is performing long-term response operations and maintenance on the system and has assisted the EPA in several five-year reviews.
In addition to producing high-quality work that met all of the EPA’s requirements, Black & Veatch reduced costs throughout the projects by scheduling site activities under different work assignments during the same timeframes. This reduced the number of required personnel and individual trips to each site. Since the project’s inception in 1996, Black & Veatch has maintained the same key staff, which allows them to complete tasks more efficiently and demonstrates their commitment to longevity of project teams.
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