10 Steps to Build Sustainable Electric Fleets for Military
About this eBook:
Black & Veatch developed this eBook to help service fleet managers, Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) action officers, and installation energy managers select charging technology and sites, plan for power delivery, and deploy optimal energy and electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities. Download today to learn about:
Vehicle Electrification as a Climate Action
The Powerful Influence of Federal Fleets
Market Trends that Speed Fleet Electrification
10 Steps to Deploy Military Electric Fleets
Executive Order (EO) 14057 aims to establish the federal government as a sustainability leader. The electrification of Department of Defense (DOD) fleets is a priority under the EO because the DOD spends billions each year on fuel and consumes more energy than any other federal agency. Electrification slashes fuel costs and opens the opportunity for resilient, clean energy generation.
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